Saturday, December 19, 2009

tag je ah kot. 90 ques

1. What was the highlight of your week?
* online sampai lebam ! haha, jual contact lens .

2. Whose car were you in last?
* erk, keta papa

3. When is the next time you will kiss someone?
* anytime. haha

4. What color shirt are you wearing?
* pinky

5. How long is your hair?
* as short as i am

6. Are you good looking?
* tidak, tapi saye tak cacat. alhamdulillah :)

7. Last movie you watched?
* Ketika cinta bertasbih.

8. Who were you with?

9. Last thing you ate?

10. Last thing you drank?
*air oren

11. When was the last time you had your heart broken?
*da lame daa

12. Who came over last?
*amira farhana.

13. Are you happy right now?
* yesh, lovely!

14. What did you say last?
* mama. nak makan . :P

15. Where is your phone?
*nih ade kat sebelah

16. What color are your eyes?
* dark brown

17. Are you left-handed?
* right-handed la

18. Spell your name without vowels:

19. Do you have any pets?
*ade, ikan , si PUYU dan si PUYI. haha

20. Favorite Vacation?
*cameron highlands

21. What do you dislike currently?
* kebosanan yang melanda diri

22. What are you listening to?
*kipas berpusing.

23. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
*new laptop kott. hehe

24. What is your favorite scent?
*spring. lovely

25. Who makes you happiest?
* rakanrakan ku yang nakal.

26. What were you doing at midnight last night?
*berchatting ngan ubaidullah. haha

27. When is your birthday?
*January 19

28. Who has the same phone as you?

29. Last time you went swimming in a pool?
*baru arituh, last week. burn abeh kulit aku

30. Do you read your horoscope?
*kadang2, kalau bosan

31. Where was the last place you bought something?
*ayamas kutt

32. How do you feel about your hair right now?
*oily. haha

33. Do you bite your nails?

34. Do you have any expensive jewelery?

35. Do you have any expensive jewelery?
*tak faham ke? yileekekkk 

36. Myspace or facebook?

37. How fast have you driven a car?
* belom pernah drive lagi. soon

38. Have you ever smoked?
* nope

39. What was or is your favorite subject in school?
* chemistry, HAHA

40. Do you have Verizon?
*tanak jawab soalan ini. haha

41. What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for?
*yang suka bebudak

42. Do you have any hidden talents?
*biarlah ia hidden jea. haha

43. Favorite Song?
*fireflies :)

44. Do you like to sing at all?
*nope. sumtymes

45. Dream Job?
* interior designer

46. Where does most of your family live?
* KL

47. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
* ade siblings. 2 sis, 3 adek2

48. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
* hohoho

49. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
*urh, mane henset? haha

50. Do you drink?
*i dun drink until drunk. haha

51. Know any other languages?
*, BI

52. Ever write a coded message?

53. Have you ever been IN a wedding?

54. Do you have any children?
* nopee,

55. Did you take a nap today?
*hampir2. tp tak jadi. hehe

56. Who has the same birthday as you?
*abdullah, daniel, ayah ADILA

57. Ever met anyone famous before?
*ntah, tak ingin pon. haha

58. Do you want to be famous one day?
* tanak!

59. Any Pet Peeves?

60. Are you multitasking right now?

61. Do you like Britney Spears?
* never. eiiiuu

62. What is your least favorite chore?

63. Last place you drove your car?
*tak penah drive

64. Ever been out of the country?
*singapore. haha

65. Where were you born?

66. Could you handle being in the military?
*yeahh. kena kurus dlu ah. haha

67. What is your average cell phone bill?
*tak guna bill

68. Who are you thinking about right now?
*dia jea.

69. When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard?
*haha. ntah. x ingat

70. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

71. Are your toes always painted?

72. How many piercings do you have?
* none! suci

73. What are you doing today?
*online smpai adik aku bising

74. Have you ever been gambling?
* haha. tdak lahhh

75. When is the last time you updated your page?
*lame da x update

76. Do you like rollercoasters?
* nope. it makes me sick!

77. Have you ever been to disneyland or world?
* not yett

78. Do you have a favorite cartoon character?

79. Last thing you cooked?
*mee sedap.

80. How's the weather?

81. Do you e-mail?
* takk

82. What's the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
*conteng skrin cell phone ngan marker white board . haha

83. Last time you were sick?
*mase periksa SPM last month

84. What states have you lived in?

85. Do you wish you could move?

86. Do you take all the quizzes?
*oh takkk

87. What is your dream car?
*sporty car

88. Have you ever wanted someone you cant have?

89. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?
*island :)

90. Are you happy with your life?

*boleh la. thank GOD